Blockchain Seattle 2018

access_time 13:03h
location_on Internacional

Descrição do Evento

TRACK ONE: Blockchain in Business: Use Cases, Proof of Concepts & Pilots

The primary track dedicated to enterprise use cases being put into production in 2018. How is blockchain changing everything from supply chain management to payments to gaming and IoT? What are the real world considerations for implementing blockchain solutions for businesses? This is where you’ll learn from thought leaders and practitioners building and using blockchain solutions everyday.

TRACK TWO: Blockchain Tech & Platforms: Building the Best Blockchains

There are many different approaches to implementing blockchain, but what differentiates them? What are the leading technologies for blockchain implementation and how do they stack up against each other? What are the costs and what is the timeframe? What kind of solutions can best address issues of mainstream scaling? What is the future of mining? For business decision makers, developers and investors looking to better understand the platforms driving innovation.

TRACK THREE: Regulatory Environment

The current regulatory environment is ambiguous and constantly in flux. This uncertainty extends beyond just the world of ICOs. From investing to privacy to data ownership, blockchain technologies are forcing regulators and legislators to rethink how to support new innovation while protecting consumers and investors. Find out from some of the top legal and legislative minds in the space how this impacts your blockchain initiatives and the roadmap for navigating the current landscape.

TRACK FOUR: Blockchain in the Public Sector

Some of blockchain’s most exciting, but lesser known applications are happening in the public sector. Smart governments are using blockchain to make delivering services to their citizenry faster, more efficient and more secure. We’ll look at how leaders in the space are getting their first projects off the ground and how they’re thinking about the transformative impacts of blockchain technology.

TRACK FIVE: Investing in Blockchain

The development of blockchain based assets have turned the investment world on its head. Cryptocurrencies and tokens have created new asset classes. Token presales and sales have created entirely new funding mechanisms. Tokenization has made previously illiquid assets liquid. What does this mean for traditional investors, VCs and angel investors. How do new business models and deal structures alter what successful investing looks like. We’re bringing in experts to discuss and debate how we fund entrepreneurs and innovators in this space as well as how these new assets classes are impacting institutional investors.


Finally, we’re bringing a unique opportunity for both professional skills development and job networking. Leading blockchain platforms will lead workshops giving developers and engineers the opportunity get beneath the hood of these emerging technologies. Learn how to write smart contracts, develop DApps, and more from the engineers who built the platforms.

Who Should Attend Blockchain Seattle 2018?

The newly announced program highlights the most pressing challenges and opportunities facing blockchain development today, with each track providing a “mission-specific” level of detail for individual participants. This makes Blockchain Seattle 2018 a true reflection of this region offering valuable educational opportunities for everyone from enterprise decision makers to investors, developers, legislators and more.


  • Data: de 10 a 11 de setembro de 2018
    Este evento já aconteceu. Que pena!
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  • Local: Internacional
  • Endereço: Hyatt Regency Bellevue - 900 Bellevue Way NE - Bellevue, USA
  • Telefone: (425) 462-1234
  • Site: Clique aqui para acessar

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