Wall Street Blockchain Summit

access_time N / D
location_on Internacional

Descrição do Evento

The Wall Street Blockchain Alliance (WSBA) is a non-profit trade association created for financial market professionals, by financial market professionals. Our mission is to guide and promote comprehensive adoption of distributed ledger technology across financial markets.
We do this by engaging with market participants, regulators, policymakers and technology innovators through direct communication, comment letters, studies and more to guide the public dialogue about blockchain, distributed ledger and smart contract technology, so that the financial markets can realize the full potential of these capabilities.


  • Data: 31 de janeiro de 2019
    Este evento já aconteceu. Que pena!
    Você pode descobrir mais informações sobre as próximas edições enviando uma mensagem para o organizador.
  • Local: Internacional
  • Endereço: 583 Park Avenue, New York, NY, 10065 - USA
  • Site: Clique aqui para acessar

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